Monday, 29 July 2013


Hello everyone,

So I have been thinking lately about my holiday on the 1st August 2013 and I am overly excited, but at the same time I am so excited for my blog.

I have great plans for my blog over the next month, On Thursday (1st August) I want to do a travelling outfit of the day, I also really hope that Aidan and Ellie will help me, for example taking pictures.

I have also planned some scheduled blog posts 3, on to go up on the 1st, 5th and 11th of August, this is as a back up plan, just in case I have no Internet connection or something goes wrong. They are very easy and simple posts like 2 tags and a fact post.

I have also thought about the uploading process because the blogger app messes up my picture arrangement? It places the pictures no starlight and all other the place, so I'm going to be doing a few tester outfit of the days especially one on Wednesday, because I'm going into town with Aidan and our mums for last minute essentials. 

Thank you

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