Friday, 5 July 2013

Update - Exams, Sports and more

Hello everyone,

So I thought I would do an update for you on everything, it's mainly school but this may explain where I have been and what I have been doing, I hope this isn't boring for you.

Exams -

Photography sky (Edited on instagram)
So I have been doing GCSE Spanish for about a month and a half and I have an exams already, this is going 15% towards my overall grade, and it's a speaking exam, We are in a room with my teacher and an invigilator (Someone who watches the examination). But we have to be recorded and we have to speak 4-6 minutes. It is going to about Family, Sports, Free time and technology. This exam I think is going to be on the 18th July.

Turkey 2014 - 

So something a big more exciting is... I am going on holiday to Turkey in 17 days! I am so excited I am going with some family friends and I am just too excited that it's only 27 DAYS  I feel like it was 75 about a week ago. It's going so fast and it's going to be amazing.

Sports -

When you go into KS4 (Key stage 4) you get a new P.E kit and this is so exciting because it's a polo shirt with your surname on the back and your initials on the front, I am getting a hoodie and polo, you have to pay for them. I will see if I can post a picture when I get them.

Thank you

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