Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Random - Organisation & deas

Hello everyone,

So I say in every 'Random' blog post I am making changes to my blog, but I also say I want my blog to look and be the best I can make it, well I have decided to change my header I have updated it.

Also I am really in the mood for getting more organized, and since I am going back to school soon, I want to be organized and I still want to be uploading good content and also getting my school work done, but my school work does come first. I am going to try to make a schedule and try to balance bloggin' and homework every day.

I am also going away to Swanage for one week, from Saturday 24th to Saturday 31st, so I may do update while I am there and I may schedule to upload aswell, I am going with my Dad, Step mum and my best friend Nicole, we are staying in a caravan and I am super duper excited.

Thank you

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