It's nearly Christmas! And that means all the Christmas blog posts are happening! This is going to be a festive post with the Christmas tag.
Part one
1.Whats Your Favorite Holiday Movie? - Polar Express, I love this film it's amazing.
2. Whats Your Favorite Christmas Color? - Crisp White
3. Do You Like To Stay in Your PJs Or Dress Up For Christmas? - I stay in my PJs when we open our presents and have breakfast, then I dress up.
4. If You Could Only Buy One Person a Present This Year Who Would It Be? - My mum because she is just amazing and is always their for me.
5. Do You Open Your Present Christmas Eve Or Christmas Morning? Christmas morning because it's my birthday Christmas Eve.
6. Have You Ever Built a Ginger Bread House? - No yet, but I want to this year
7. What Do You Like To Do On Your Christmas Break? - Eat, Sleep, Shop and Relax.
8. Any Christmas Wishes? - For my Friends and Family to be ok.
9. Favorite Christmas Smell? - Yankke Candle's Merry Marshmallow or Christmas Cookie.
10. Favorite Christmas Meal Or Treat? - Christmas Dinner, and the Crackers and the little after dinner treats.
Part Two
1) Which holiday do you celebrate? - Christmas
2) What are you doing for the holidays this year? - Honestly, We still haven't decided
3) What's your favorite holiday drink? - I would just love to drink Diet Coke to be honest.
4) Candy cane or Gingerbread men? - I prefer Candy Canes but I still don't mind Gingerbread.
6) What's the weirdest gift you've ever received? - Marilyn Monroe Flip flops
7) Have you ever made a snowman? - I try to but I never manage to make a proper snowman.
8) What is your favorite winter fragrance? - I love to wear Juicy Catoure Viva la Juicy or Marc Jacobs Dot, or Justin Beiber Girlfriend
9) What is at the top of your list this Christmas? (or whichever holiday you celebrate!) - Ted Baker Suno bag, Dr Dre pill speaker, Perfume and Candles
10) What is most important to you about the holidays? - Being with Family and Friends and giving presents to them and seeing them happy.
Thank you
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