You may be thinking what's happened with my blog? Well... I have decided to change it completely, I was bored of the pink and girly, and I have changed it to feminine and fresh.
What do you think? I love it it's so different and I just love the way it looks!
What's changed:
I have changed the header, I was bored of the old header I created that last year, and I knew for 2014 I had to change it and of course the header is the first thing you see, and I wasn't happy when I came onto my blog.
I had also changed the background, I used to have a hello kitty pink background and I hated it, also for my post background I had it white with a blue ombre faded bit up the top, which again I just hated. but not I had it all white.
The last thing that has changed is I have added a social network links icons, I love the silver it look so nice with the white.
Also I have to mention a blog called Sew Many ways, This is how I found out how to do the icon and this is what inspired me to just have a simple font header and a white background.
The Update:
As you may know I am in year 10 and this is where you start your gcse's and I have my business studies gcse exam on the 29th of January, I am quite nervous but confident and I am going to pass it.
This means less posts :( I need to just revise, revise, revise this is the only way I cam pass with my predicted level. But I will do a blog post whenever I can but they might be chatty ones or tags. Hope you don't mind I'll have better posts asap.
What do you think of my new blog design? I love it is there more I could add or improve on? Comment Below
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