Friday, 3 January 2014

My 2014 goals - Resolutions

Hello everyone,

I am not going to start this off by saying "New year new year" because for me that isn't the case I just want to achieve goals and new things in 2014.

This year I have tried not to set so many so I can focus on a few but I want to complete them:

"Train like a beast, look like a beauty" - Blogilates

- My biggest goal for 2014 is I want to maintain a healthy lifestyle, I want to work out and I am not trying to loose weight but I want to be healthy and to basically tone up. My friends Nicole and I we have both set ourselves this goal and we are going to complete it together. 

As well as maintaining a healthy lifestyle I want to eat healthy, I don't eat all junk every day all day I have healthy meals but I want to just eat more and limit myself to 1 chocolate/sweet a day. I have started this goal already I started on the 1st and so far I am loving it, I am going to start the eating healthy tomorrow I am hoping.

I have been really inspired to start looking after my body more from the you tube Channel Blogilates the channel is amazing and Cassey Ho the owner is amazing she's so innerspring and makes you really want to work out.

I am going to carry on working out and staying healthy, I am going to be updating my Instagram and update you on my blog posts. My instagram link is here.

- My other goals for 2014 are tiny ones but they are...

Another one of my goals is to be nicer to everyone, at school it's mainly a few teachers I am not as nice to, like one of my form tutors and my Spanish teacher.

Also a goal for me is to do with my room, it's going to stay tidy all day every day, for example if I have dropped it i'm going to pick it up straight away instead of doing it a few times and leaving it their. 

My last and final goal is to keep my makeup tidy and when i'm using my desk in the morning then I am going to keep it tidy and keep my makeup storage tidy, but I do need some new drawers mine are over filling at the moment.

Thats my goals for 2014 so a round up is:

- Keeping a healthy lifestyle.
- Being nicer to everyone I meet.
- Keeping my room and makeup tidy.

What are your 2014 goals? Comment below do we have any the same? 


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