Thursday, 25 July 2013

Let' Travel - Holiday plans for my blog

Hello everyone,

You may already know that next week I am going to Turkey, I am super excited, but that means that there will me limited Wifi access  and if there is any it will take a while, so this is that I will be uploading.

I am planning to do outfit of the days and outfit of the nights, I will attempt to post this every night. I am also going to be doing a whole montage of my Holiday, showing you loads of pictures and videos from Turkey.

I will also want to updating you everyday with something that we are, So I can keep you informed telling you what we done and things like that.

I will also be updating Instagram as frequently as I can, I will be showing you lots of pictures of the hotel and Bodrum, with short videos as well. I will also be doing a review on my hotel after, when I come back 

Here are some pictures of where I am staying -

Thank you

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