Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Tag - About me

Hello everyone,

So I am going to be doing the about me tag because I think I haven't done one of these before, So I hope you learn something interesting about me. And I tag everyone watching this to do thing tag and leave your answers below.

1.Do you have a middle name? Yes, And it is Anna-May
2. What was your favourite subject in school?  I love Spanish, It is my favouirite subject and I just love it, it's so intresting and it's amazing.
3. What’s your favourite drink? Vanilla coke, Sunny D or cherries and berries squash
4. Favourite song at the moment? wake me up - avicii
5. What would you name your children? Honestly I really don't want children, but If I had a boy - Kiren and if I had a girl - Khloe (Same as chloe but with a K) 
6. Do you participate in any sports? The only sports I do are the only I do in P.E in school, But I do like sports like Tennis, Rounders, Cricket etc
7. Favourite Book? The curious incident of the dog in the night time.
8. Favourite Colour? Pink
9. Favourite Animal? Ducks, Monkeys, Rabbits and dogs.
10. Favourite perfume? Marc Jacobs Dot and Daisy
11. Favourite holiday? I love all my holidays but my favourites places are Turkey, Spain, America and Portugal.
12. Have you graduated High School? Nope, I am in year 10 now I have just finished year 9, yesterday in face.
13. Have you been out of the Country? Loads of times
14. Do you speak any other Languages? Well I don't speak any languages fluentily, but I am learning Spanish at the moment and I have taken it for GCSE, But I do know a few workds in Turkish aswell.
15. Do you have any siblings? Nope, I am an only child.
16. What’s your favourite store? I'm not to sure
17. Favourite Restaurant? Nandos, Harvester and TGI Fridays
18. Did you like school? I do like school apart from the early start and the teachers
19. Favourite YouTubers? Tanya Burr and Zoella
20. Favourite Movie? In time and Despicable Me
21. Favourite Tv show? All the things to do with the Kardashians and Geordie shore and Only way is essex.
22. Pc or Mac? Mac even though I only have a Dell laptop
23. What phone do you have? I have an Iphone 4s
24. How tall are you? I'm not too sure but according to M&S I am a height of an 18 year old

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