Thursday, 14 April 2016

My favourite albums

Hello everyone,

I am rally enjoying the favourites post lately, as it's different and it just makes me think about my favourites films etc. Today I wanted to talk to you about my favourite albums! Their is a variety here so I hope you enjoy this.

Jess Glynne - I cry when I laugh

This is an album that I can sit and listen to for hours on end, and one that you can listen to over and over and not get bored of any of the songs, because they are all amazing!

The Wanted - The Wanted

This album will have a special place in my heart as The Wanted is who I saw at my very first concert, and it comes to a point where I won't listen to it forever, come back to listen to it and still love  the whole album, and know more or less all the lyrics to all the songs!

Coldplay - Mylo Xyloto 

Coldplay are one of my favourite bands, and they always will be. Out of every album they have released this one is by far my favourite, I love every song and this is my go to album when I am looking for more chilled songs.

Ed Sheehan - +

Out of the albums Ed Sheehan has done this one is defiantly my favourite, all the songs bring back memories from when I first brought this album when I was around 12/13, also Ed Sheehan is amazing live, as I saw him live more or less straight after this album was released, so he was only performing all these gone and it was just amazing!

Adele - 21

I have to say thes is my favourite album from Adele, as I am not too keen on 25 and 19 is okay but doesn't beat this one! I love Adele and just love every song on this album.

Rudimental - Home

Love Rudimental so much they are one of the best people I have seen live! This album is very sheer perfection, as it's got more or less every classic and original Rudimental song on it.

Years & Years - Communication

Love this album when I am looking for something chilled and relaxing, they are really good live and just love every song on this album! I do prefer some compared to others, such as King, Shine, Desire and Eyes Shut.

Milky Chance - Sadnecessary 

This album reminds me of my holidays last year to Italy and America, as I listened to this album whenever I could and especially travelling to these beautiful countries. This is just such a unique and chilled album, love this a lot! I first found out about Milky Chance when one of my teachers was playing Down by the river!

Mumford & Sons - Bable

Oh my this album will always be one of my top three albums of all time! I first found about this group from my form tutor who was obsessed and played their songs every morning! This album is my favourite of them both, they are so unique and the songs are just amazing. Also you can tell a good album when you practically know all the songs off my heart, and this is one of them for me!

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