Tuesday, 5 April 2016

My favourite films

Hello everyone,

As you can tell by the title I want to talk to you about my favourite films, I have to say I am not a massive film lover but I am getting into them more lately, and thought I would share a few of my favourites!

Devil Wears Prada

This is my ultimate favourite film, honestly I have loved it for years and years now and it's always been on the top of my list. I think the reason why this is one of my favourite is because it's based around the fashion industry, and that's what I wanted to do when I was younger, but it also has two of my favourite actresses it Meryl Streep and Anne Hathaway.  

The Last Song

I can't tell you how much I cried at this film, I watched it again a  few days ago and didn't stop crying. I think this is just so relevant to my life regarding Ronnie's dad, and it's just so heart felt and cute. I think Miley Cyrus plays the part of Ronnie very well, and it definitely suits her to a T! I would definitely give this one a watch, and don't forget the tissues.

The Fault In Our Stars 

Three words to describe this film I would say beautiful, meaningful and genuine. I think was was just something brilliant, the meaning behind the story was something that pulled on everyone's heart strings, I know it did mine! 

The Notebook

This film had a really nice story behind it which was just different, it was a cute rotation film that was light hearted to watch and genuinely cute! It was definitely a sad one especially when it came to the ending, but it was a gooden!

Despicable Me

The child inside me still loves animated movies, and Despicable Me has to be one of my favourites! I love all me Despicable me/minion films as they are just adorable and cute! 

In Time

I have to say I am not a massive action movie fan, but this one I really like! I think t's just different and love the concept of this one. Also another one of my favourite actresses is in it Amanda Seyfried.

The Duff

I watched this one on the plane coming home from Miami, and I really liked it, it's again a light hearted comedy which is based around teenagers, and this is the reason I think I liked it the most, as you could relate to this.

Mamma Mia

I am not a big fan of musicals but I am a fan of romcom's, I have watched this one over and over about 10 times and not got bored of it! I love the music in it as it's not all the same, but it's a great one to watch!

The Proposal

Another one of my favourite actresses Sandra Bullock, I love a lot of films she's in, but The Proposal if one of my favourites, I think the plays the role so well and it's a different film that is just a nice one to watch.

The Blind Side

This is one of the best films I have ever seen, and one of the best films that Sandra Bullock is in! This is a sad film, but it's a heart warming one, it's got an amazing story behind it and it's just one of the best ones I have seen. I have loved this for years now and still to this day think it's one of the best films i've seen, this is also based on a real story which makes this a genuine and raw film.

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