Tuesday 6 December 2016

Relaxing Over The Festive Period

Sometimes having a few weeks to relax can come at a bit of a shock to me, to the point where I can't relax because I have been so uptight about college and working before the festive period starts. These are some tips I have for being able to wind down over this time.

Organise yourself before hand - Personally, I know that as soon as it hits December it flies by! This is why I try to organise my life as much as I can beforehand. I end up writing so many notes down on my phone, about dates, present ideas and me trying to budget my money. Just organise any things you have planned then keep notes on everything from present ideas to things you need to get done.

Do your work before - This is something I try and do every year because I know if I have outstanding work due for the day I go back to college the chances are I have forgotten it or not know what I am doing. I always dedicate a few days before I break up for Christmas to complete any outstanding work. This way anytime I have free, I can spend doing whatever.

You deserve a break - The whole point of having half term over the Christmas period is for you to have fun and take a break from stressful activities, like work and college! 

Make time - It's important that over the Christmas period you make time for yourself and doing things that you want to do. We tend to focus a lot on everyone else, making sure you've got everyone a present etc. But do something you want to do for yourself, wether that's taking a bath or going shopping!

Vlogmas - I think the best way to relax is to catch up on all the vlogmas vidoes you've missed where your trying to get all your work done before! Sit back with a hot chocolate and binge watch everyone's vlogmas videos! This year my favourites are Lydia Elise Millen, Beauty Spectrum and of course Zoella!

Have fun! - Make sure that your having fun from the time you finish work/school and carry on having fun, it's the time to celebrate be with loved ones and have a good time!

Shelby x 

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