So I was in a skin care mood, so I thought that I would do a skin care routine post, This is one of two, I am going to be doing a spot clearing routine as well They should both be up today, hopefully.
Tie back your hair -
For this I use a soap and glory head band, It is a flannel material And it's really important to keep you hair away from your face because you don't want to get you hair in your face.
Take off your makeup -
I don't like to use makeup wipes, So for this I use the Garnier soft essentials comforting cleansing lotion. I love this because if takes of your makeup easily and quickly.
This step is cleansing, This takes off any of the makeup you have missed. I love the Soap and Glory peaches and clean. This is moisturizing and is amazing. This also helps get any dirt out in your pores.
Time to exfoliate -
I love to exfoliate, It is like stripping your face! This step really makes a difference but I wouldn't recommend doing it 24/7 I do this once a week maybe twice a week. And I use the St ives fresh skin apricot scrub. This is so good for getting all the dirt and dead skin off.
This step really does finish it all off. And it is washing your face, I would recommend the soap and glory Face soap and clarity 3 in 1 facial wash. I love this it leaves your skin feeling all soft and smooth.
You need to apply a moisturizer after you have stripped you whole face bare, And the one I use is Garnier moisture match combination to oily skin, I really enjoy using this because it gives my skin the moisture I need but takes away the excess oils.
Don't forget the eyes -
This isn't a priority with young skin, But I apply a eye cream which says it's meant to open and brighten your eyes, And it's the Soap and Glory super eyes. I like this because it is a gel texture and is very light weight.
To help you scrub -
So you may have heard of the Clarasonic, Well this is a much cheaper and easier way to get right into your skin, And it's just a hand held scrub, Its from soap and glory and I love it. It really helps when i'm doing my skin care routine and I couldn't recommend it enough. It is £4.00 and I will spend that any day compared to the clarasonic.
Thank you
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