Friday 16 October 2015

What blogging has taught me.

Hello everyone,

When I was stuck for blog post ideas, I googled some things I could write about and this post came up about what blogging has taught me,  I thought I would sit down and write about what I have truly learnt from blogging throughout the years...

One of the biggest things blogging has taught me is to be myself, you may not think it but it has given me a lot of confidence within myself. Before I wouldn't dare of doing some of the things I do now, I put this partly down to blogging, I have learnt to be myself and to not have a care about what people think of me. Saying that though reading different blogs gives me confidence, Grace's blog has given me motivation and has inspired me to be the best version of myself, she preaches about being confident with your own body and to accept yourself along with all your flaws and insecurities. 

Throughout the years I have experienced a lot of things, good and bad, before I used to bottle everything up inside which is never good, but having my own little corner of me has made me talk more and express my feelings to people, my blog has helped me do this as I have been able to write about how I have been feeling, this gives me that push to tell someone face to face which makes me ultimately feel stronger and happier.

I think a lot of people now a days can honestly admit that youtube and blogs have taught them a lot about their knowledge to do with beauty etc, this is the same for me, I can feel confident about makeup as I know what I am doing and where it all goes. This is why I thank blogs and youtube videos for my beauty knowledge, this is the reason why I blog about beauty on my blog, it has taught me what I know now.

Blogging has made me really value and admire youtubers and bloggers who do this as their job, it's not your usual job but it can be hard even just as a hobby, having to edit, upload, schedule, photograph and to think of the posts it all difficult, but it's fun! This is why I am still blogging after 5 years or so, blogging is a great community, it's nice finding unnoticed blogs and channels, everyone supports each other and understands what it is like.

Having a blog has taught me how therapeutic and relaxing it can be, it may seem unsociable but it's far from, sometimes I do have a break because along with school work at the time it was stressful but it's my little escape from the real world! I love having a candle on, with my headphones in blocking the world up and just blabbering on about what ever I chose to write about, it is like a diary but where people can read what your thinking and your opinions, I can look back on my blog and remember my trips to Turkey and to Miami, but I can remember how I was feeling but it's great motivation, it keeps me on track and focused to keep going. If I am having a bad day I can look at my advice posts and think, this is fine and you can get through this, just by looking at my past advice posts. 

Last but not least, I have learnt about editing pictures and making headers which before I would never have been able to do! Blogging is like the ad on to my scrapbook, it's my diary and travel book, I can look back and see all my happy memories all in one place, everything I love is all in one place!

What has blogging taught you?